Commit c9ef0d17 by liyijie

Add AqiLive model

parent 7b0b87c6
class CreateAqiLives < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
def up
create_table :aqi_lives do |t|
t.integer :aqi
t.string :area
t.float :co
t.float :co_24h
t.float :no2
t.float :no2_24h
t.float :o3
t.float :o3_24h
t.float :o3_8h
t.float :o3_8h_24h
t.float :pm10
t.float :pm10_24h
t.float :pm2_5
t.float :pm2_5_24h
t.string :position_name
t.string :primary_pollutant
t.string :quality
t.float :so2
t.float :so2_24h
t.string :station_code
t.datetime :time_point
def down
drop_table :aqi_lives
module WeatherModel module WeatherModel
module SourceSchema module SourceSchema
AqiForecast =
sort: 'Aqi',
table_name: :aqi_forecasts,
schema: {
datetime: :datetime,
prompt: :string,
list: :text
options: {
index: %i[datetime],
expire: 2 * 24 * 60 * 60,
unique: nil,
belongs_to: nil,
has_many: nil,
json_column: :list
factory_name: :aqi_forecast,
factory: {
datetime: Time.parse('2011-11-11 11:11'),
prompt: '',
list: [
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
RealtimeAqi = AqiForecast = {
{ sort: 'Aqi',
sort: 'Aqi', table_name: :aqi_forecasts,
table_name: :realtime_aqi, schema: {
schema: { datetime: :datetime,
datetime: :datetime, prompt: :string,
aqi: :string, list: :text
level: :string, },
pripoll: :string, options: {
content: :string, index: %i[datetime],
measure: :string, expire: 2 * 24 * 60 * 60,
}, unique: nil,
options: { belongs_to: nil,
index: %i[datetime], has_many: nil,
expire: 3 * 24 * 60 * 60, json_column: :list
unique: nil, },
belongs_to: nil, factory_name: :aqi_forecast,
has_many: nil, factory: {
json_column: :msg datetime: Time.parse('2011-11-11 11:11'),
}, prompt: '',
factory_name: :realtime_aqi, list: [
factory: { {
datetime: Time.parse('2011-11-11 11:11'), "period"=>"今天夜间(20时—06时)",
aqi: '54', "aqi"=>"35-55",
level: '良', "level"=>"优到良",
pripoll: 'PM10', "pripoll"=>"PM10"
msg: { }, {
content: '空气质量可接受,但某些污染物可能对极少数异常敏感人群健康有较弱影响。', "period"=>"明天上午(06时—12时)",
measure: '建议措施极少数异常敏感人群应减少户外活动。' "aqi"=>"35-55",
}, {
}, {
}, {
} }
} ]
} }
AqiLive = {
sort: 'Aqi',
table_name: :aqi_lives,
schema: {
aqi: :integer,
area: :string,
co: :float,
co_24: :float,
no2: :float,
no2_24: :float,
o3: :float,
o3_24: :float,
o3_8h: :float,
o3_8h_24: :float,
pm10: :float,
pm10_24: :float,
pm2_5: :float,
pm2_5_24: :float,
position_name: :string,
primary_pollutant: :string,
quality: :string,
so2: :float,
so2_24h: :float,
station_code: :string,
time_point: :dateime,
options: {
index: %i[area, time_point],
expire: 2 * 24 * 60 * 60,
unique: nil,
belongs_to: nil,
has_many: nil,
json_column: :nil,
factory_name: :aqi_live,
factory: {
"aqi" => 46,
"area" => "宜宾",
"co" => 1.1,
"co_24h" => 1.2,
"no2" => 20,
"no2_24h" => 22,
"o3" => 73,
"o3_24h" => 129,
"o3_8h" => 45,
"o3_8h_24h" => 53,
"pm10" => 45,
"pm10_24h" => 60,
"pm2_5" => 32,
"pm2_5_24h" => 42,
"position_name" => "市政府",
"primary_pollutant" => null,
"quality" => "优",
"so2" => 10,
"so2_24h" => 13,
"station_code" => "1885A",
"time_point" => "2017-05-21T16:00:00Z",
end end
end end
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