Minor documentation improvements

parent f9165a37
......@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ directly.
### Shrine
In the initializer load the `uppy_s3_multipart` plugin:
In your Shrine initializer load the `uppy_s3_multipart` plugin:
require "shrine"
require "shrine/storage/s3"
Shrine.storages = {
cache: Shrine::Storage::S3.new(...),
cache: Shrine::Storage::S3.new(prefix: "cache", ...),
store: Shrine::Storage::S3.new(...),
......@@ -97,14 +97,20 @@ POST /s3/multipart/:uploadId/complete
DELETE /s3/multipart/:uploadId
Finally, in your Uppy configuration point `serverUrl` to your app's URL:
Now in your Uppy configuration point `serverUrl` to your app's URL:
// ...
uppy.use(Uppy.AwsS3Multipart, {
serverUrl: '/',
In the `upload-success` Uppy callback you can then construct the Shrine
uploaded file data (this example assumes your temporary Shrine S3 storage has
`prefix: "cache"` set):
uppy.on('upload-success', function (file, data, uploadURL) {
var uploadedFileData = JSON.stringify({
id: uploadURL.match(/\/cache\/([^\?]+)/)[1], // extract key without prefix
......@@ -123,8 +129,14 @@ uppy.on('upload-success', function (file, data, uploadURL) {
Shrine. From there you can swap the `presign_endpoint` + `AwsS3` code with the
`uppy_s3_multipart` + `AwsS3Multipart` setup.**
Both the plugin and method accepts `:options` for specifying additional options
to the aws-sdk calls (read further for more details on these options):
Note that by default **Shrine won't extract metadata from directly upload
files**, instead it will just copy metadata that was extracted on the client
side. See [this section][metadata direct uploads] for the rationale and
instructions on how to opt in.
Both the plugin and method accept `:options` for specifying additional options
to the S3 client operations (see the [Client](#client) section for list of
operations and options they accept):
Shrine.plugin :uppy_s3_multipart, options: {
......@@ -138,14 +150,11 @@ Shrine.uppy_s3_multipart(:cache, options: {
Note that by default **Shrine won't extract metadata from directly upload
files**, instead it will just copy metadata that was extracted on the client
side. See [this section][metadata direct uploads] for the rationale and
instructions on how to opt in.
In the dynamic version the yielded object is an instance of [`Rack::Request`].
### Standalone
### App
You can also use `uppy-s3_multipart` without Shrine. Start by initializing the
You can also use `uppy-s3_multipart` without Shrine, by initializing the
`Uppy::S3Multipart::App` directly:
......@@ -162,7 +171,7 @@ bucket = resource.bucket("my-bucket")
UPPY_S3_MULTIPART_APP = Uppy::S3Multipart::App.new(bucket: bucket)
and mount it in your app in the same way:
You can mount it inside your main app in the same way:
# Rails (config/routes.rb)
......@@ -186,24 +195,26 @@ uppy.use(Uppy.AwsS3Multipart, {
The `Uppy::S3Mutipart::App` initializer accepts `:options` for specifying
additional options to the aws-sdk calls (read further for more details on these
additional options to the S3 client operations (see the [Client](#client)
section for list of operations and options they accept):
Uppy::S3Multipart::App.new(bucket: bucket, options: {
create_multipart_upload: { acl: "public-read" }
create_multipart_upload: { acl: "public-read" } # static
# OR
Uppy::S3Multipart::App.new(bucket: bucket, options: {
create_multipart_upload: -> (request) { { acl: "public-read" } }
create_multipart_upload: -> (request) { { acl: "public-read" } } # dynamic
### Custom implementation
In the dynamic version the yielded object is an instance of [`Rack::Request`].
### Client
If you would rather implement the endpoints yourself, you can utilize
If you would rather implement the endpoints yourself, you can utilize the
`Uppy::S3Multipart::Client` to make S3 requests.
......@@ -223,13 +234,13 @@ client.create_multipart_upload(key: "foo", **options)
* `:key` -- object key
* `:key` object key
* additional options for [`Aws::S3::Client#create_multipart_upload`]
* `:upload_id` -- id of the created multipart upload
* `:key` -- object key
* `:upload_id` id of the created multipart upload
* `:key` object key
#### `#list_parts`
......@@ -244,17 +255,17 @@ client.list_parts(upload_id: "MultipartUploadId", key: "foo", **options)
* `:upload_id` -- multipart upload id
* `:key` -- object key
* `:upload_id` multipart upload id
* `:key` object key
* additional options for [`Aws::S3::Client#list_parts`]
* array of parts
- `:part_number` -- position of the part
- `:size` -- filesize of the part
- `:etag` -- etag of the part
- `:part_number` position of the part
- `:size` filesize of the part
- `:etag` etag of the part
#### `#prepare_upload_part`
......@@ -267,14 +278,14 @@ client.prepare_upload_part(upload_id: "MultipartUploadId", key: "foo", part_numb
* `:upload_id` -- multipart upload id
* `:key` -- object key
* `:part_number` -- number of the next part
* `:upload_id` multipart upload id
* `:key` object key
* `:part_number` number of the next part
* additional options for [`Aws::S3::Client#upload_part`] and [`Aws::S3::Presigner#presigned_url`]
* `:url` -- endpoint that should be used for uploading a new multipart part via a `PUT` request
* `:url` endpoint that should be used for uploading a new multipart part via a `PUT` request
#### `#complete_multipart_upload`
......@@ -287,14 +298,14 @@ client.complete_multipart_upload(upload_id: upload_id, key: key, parts: [{ part_
* `:upload_id` -- multipart upload id
* `:key` -- object key
* `:parts` -- list of all uploaded parts, consisting of `:part_number` and `:etag`
* `:upload_id` multipart upload id
* `:key` object key
* `:parts` list of all uploaded parts, consisting of `:part_number` and `:etag`
* additional options for [`Aws::S3::Client#complete_multipart_upload`]
* `:location` -- URL to the uploaded object
* `:location` URL to the uploaded object
#### `#abort_multipart_upload`
......@@ -307,8 +318,8 @@ client.abort_multipart_upload(upload_id: upload_id, key: key, **options)
* `:upload_id` -- multipart upload id
* `:key` -- object key
* `:upload_id` multipart upload id
* `:key` object key
* additional options for [`Aws::S3::Client#abort_multipart_upload`]
## Contributing
......@@ -331,6 +342,7 @@ License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
[AwsS3Multipart]: https://uppy.io/docs/aws-s3-multipart/
[Shrine]: https://shrinerb.com
[Adding Direct S3 Uploads]: https://github.com/shrinerb/shrine/wiki/Adding-Direct-S3-Uploads
[`Rack::Request`]: https://www.rubydoc.info/github/rack/rack/master/Rack/Request
[`Aws::S3::Client#create_multipart_upload`]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-ruby/v3/api/Aws/S3/Client.html#create_multipart_upload-instance_method
[`Aws::S3::Client#list_parts`]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-ruby/v3/api/Aws/S3/Client.html#list_parts-instance_method
[`Aws::S3::Client#upload_part`]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-ruby/v3/api/Aws/S3/Client.html#upload_part-instance_method
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