README tweaks

parent 3425d340
......@@ -264,32 +264,34 @@ parameters. The parameters can be provided statically:
options: {
create_multipart_upload: { cache_control: "max-age=#{365*24*60*60}" },
prepare_upload_part: { expires_in: 10 },
or generated dynamically for each request:
or generated dynamically for each request, in which case a [`Rack::Request`]
object is also passed to the block:
options: {
create_multipart_upload: -> (request) do
create_multipart_upload: -> (request) {
{ key: SecureRandom.uuid }
In that case a [`Rack::Request`] object is also passed to the block. The
initial request to `POST /s3/multipart` will contain `type` and `filename`
query parameters, so for example you could use that to make requesting the URL
later force a download with the original filename (using the
[content_disposition] gem):
The initial request to `POST /s3/multipart` (which calls the
`#create_multipart_upload` operation) will contain `type` and `filename` query
parameters, so for example you could use that to make requesting the URL later
force a download with the original filename (using the [content_disposition]
options: {
create_multipart_upload: -> (request) do
create_multipart_upload: -> (request) {
filename = request.params["filename"]
{ content_disposition: ContentDisposition.attachment(filename) }
......@@ -335,7 +337,7 @@ require "uppy/s3_multipart/client"
client = bucket)
#### `create_multipart_upload`
#### `#create_multipart_upload`
Initiates a new multipart upload.
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