## Problem I have some files in the "models" directory that are not true a `Class`. For example, a [`dry-types`](https://dry-rb.org/gems/dry-types/1.2/sum/) sum type: ```ruby # app/models/foo.rb Foo = Types::String | Types::Integer ``` This results in the following line when I annotate. ``` Unable to annotate app/models/foo.rb: undefined method `<' for #<Dry::Struct::Sum:0x00007ff2dd262988> ``` Not a blocking issue but somewhat annoying nonetheless. ## Solution When annotating a file, check that the file's object is a `Class` to ensure it has the interface we expect.
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Rakefile | Loading commit data... | |
annotate.gemspec | Loading commit data... | |
potato.md | Loading commit data... |