Commit d735ff25 by Ryan Wilcox

merged jparker changes with stereosupersonic changes

parent cf9ea036
......@@ -7,13 +7,18 @@ module AnnotateModels
FIXTURE_DIRS = ["test/fixtures","spec/fixtures"]
# File.join for windows reverse bar compat?
# I dont use windows, can`t test
UNIT_TEST_DIR = File.join("test", "unit" )
SPEC_MODEL_DIR = File.join("spec", "models")
UNIT_TEST_DIR = File.join("test", "unit" )
SPEC_MODEL_DIR = File.join("spec", "models")
# Object Daddy
EXEMPLARS_TEST_DIR = File.join("test", "exemplars")
EXEMPLARS_SPEC_DIR = File.join("spec", "exemplars")
EXEMPLARS_TEST_DIR = File.join("test", "exemplars")
EXEMPLARS_SPEC_DIR = File.join("spec", "exemplars")
# Machinist
BLUEPRINTS_DIR = File.join("test", "blueprints")
BLUEPRINTS_TEST_DIR = File.join("test", "blueprints")
BLUEPRINTS_SPEC_DIR = File.join("spec", "blueprints")
# Factory Girl
FACTORY_GIRL_TEST_DIR = File.join("test", "factories")
FACTORY_GIRL_SPEC_DIR = File.join("spec", "factories")
def model_dir
@model_dir || "app/models"
......@@ -176,9 +181,12 @@ module AnnotateModels
unless ENV['exclude_fixtures']
File.join(EXEMPLARS_TEST_DIR, "#{model_name}_exemplar.rb"), # Object Daddy
File.join(EXEMPLARS_SPEC_DIR, "#{model_name}_exemplar.rb"), # Object Daddy
File.join(BLUEPRINTS_DIR, "#{model_name}_blueprint.rb"), # Machinist Blueprints
File.join(EXEMPLARS_TEST_DIR, "#{model_name}_exemplar.rb"), # Object Daddy
File.join(EXEMPLARS_SPEC_DIR, "#{model_name}_exemplar.rb"), # Object Daddy
File.join(BLUEPRINTS_TEST_DIR, "#{model_name}_blueprint.rb"), # Machinist Blueprints
File.join(BLUEPRINTS_SPEC_DIR, "#{model_name}_blueprint.rb"), # Machinist Blueprints
File.join(FACTORY_GIRL_TEST_DIR, "#{model_name}_factory.rb"), # Factory Girl Factories
File.join(FACTORY_GIRL_SPEC_DIR, "#{model_name}_factory.rb"), # Factory Girl Factories
].each do |file|
annotate_one_file(file, info, options_with_position(options, :position_in_fixture))
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