Unverified Commit cad47f56 by Andrew W. Lee Committed by GitHub

Make --additional_file_patterns consistent by using dashes (#654)

Changed references to `--additional_file_patterns` to be `--additional-file-patterns` to make it consistent with other flags.
parent 05ee2167
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ you can do so with a simple environment variable, instead of editing the
== Options
Usage: annotate [options] [model_file]*
--additional_file_patterns Additional file paths or globs to annotate, separated by commas (e.g. `/foo/bar/%model_name%/*.rb,/baz/%model_name%.rb`)
--additional-file-patterns Additional file paths or globs to annotate, separated by commas (e.g. `/foo/bar/%model_name%/*.rb,/baz/%model_name%.rb`)
-d, --delete Remove annotations from all model files or the routes.rb file
-p [before|top|after|bottom], Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of the model/test/fixture/factory/route/serializer file(s)
......@@ -216,18 +216,18 @@ you can do so with a simple environment variable, instead of editing the
--ignore-unknown-models don't display warnings for bad model files
--with-comment include database comments in model annotations
=== Option: +additional_file_patterns+
=== Option: +additional-file-patterns+
CLI: +--additional_file_patterns+<br>
Ruby: +:additional_file_patterns+
CLI: +--additional-file-patterns+<br>
Ruby: +:additional-file-patterns+
Provide additional paths for the gem to annotate. These paths can include globs.
It is recommended to use absolute paths. Here are some examples:
- <code>/app/lib/decorates/%MODEL_NAME%/&ast;.rb</code>
- <code>/app/lib/forms/%PLURALIZED_MODEL_NAME%/&ast;&ast;/&ast;.rb</code>
- <code>/app/lib/forms/%TABLE_NAME%/&ast;.rb</code>
- <code>/app/lib/decorates/%MODEL_NAME%/*.rb</code>
- <code>/app/lib/forms/%PLURALIZED_MODEL_NAME%/**/*.rb</code>
- <code>/app/lib/forms/%TABLE_NAME%/*.rb</code>
The appropriate model will be inferred using the <code>%*%</code> syntax, annotating any matching files.
It works with existing filename resolutions (options for which can be found in the +resolve_filename+ method of
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module Annotate
option_parser.banner = 'Usage: annotate [options] [model_file]*'
option_parser.on('--additional_file_patterns path1,path2,path3', Array, "Additional file paths or globs to annotate, separated by commas (e.g. `/foo/bar/%model_name%/*.rb,/baz/%model_name%.rb`)") do |additional_file_patterns|
option_parser.on('--additional-file-patterns path1,path2,path3', Array, "Additional file paths or globs to annotate, separated by commas (e.g. `/foo/bar/%model_name%/*.rb,/baz/%model_name%.rb`)") do |additional_file_patterns|
ENV['additional_file_patterns'] = additional_file_patterns
......@@ -57,10 +57,6 @@ module Annotate
@options[:target_action] = :remove_annotations
option_parser.on('--additional_file_patterns path1,path2,path3', Array, "Additional file paths or globs to annotate") do |additional_file_patterns|
ENV['additional_file_patterns'] = additional_file_patterns
option_parser.on('-p', '--position [before|top|after|bottom]', positions,
'Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of the model/test/fixture/factory/route/serializer file(s)') do |p|
env['position'] = p
......@@ -14,13 +14,9 @@ module Annotate # rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength
%w[--additional_file_patterns].each do |option|
%w[--additional-file-patterns].each do |option|
describe option do
it 'sets array of paths to :additional_file_patterns' do
# options = "-a ${('foo/bar' 'baz')}"
# Parser.parse(options)
# expect(ENV['additional_file_patterns']).to eq(['foo/bar', 'baz'])
paths = 'foo/bar,baz'
allow(ENV).to receive(:[]=)
Parser.parse([option, paths])
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