Commit 903ae812 by Jack Danger Canty

recommitting a7e0b8cb without bugs

parent 6def6505
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module AnnotateModels
PREFIX = "== Schema Information"
# Simple quoting for the default column value
def self.quote(value)
def quote(value)
case value
when NilClass then "NULL"
when TrueClass then "TRUE"
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module AnnotateModels
# to create a comment block containing a line for
# each column. The line contains the column name,
# the type (and length), and any optional attributes
def self.get_schema_info(klass, header)
def get_schema_info(klass, header)
info = "# #{header}\n#\n"
info << "# Table name: #{klass.table_name}\n#\n"
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module AnnotateModels
# a schema info block (a comment starting
# with "Schema as of ..."), remove it first.
def self.annotate_one_file(file_name, info_block)
def annotate_one_file(file_name, info_block)
if File.exist?(file_name)
content =
......@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ module AnnotateModels
# on the columns and their types) and put it at the front
# of the model and fixture source files.
def self.annotate(klass, header)
def annotate(klass, file, header)
info = get_schema_info(klass, header)
model_file_name = File.join(MODEL_DIR, + ".rb")
model_file_name = File.join(MODEL_DIR, file)
annotate_one_file(model_file_name, info)
fixture_file_name = File.join(FIXTURE_DIR, klass.table_name + ".yml")
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ module AnnotateModels
# the underscore or CamelCase versions of model names.
# Otherwise we take all the model files in the
# app/models directory.
def self.get_model_names
def get_model_files
models = ARGV.dup
......@@ -91,13 +91,25 @@ module AnnotateModels
# Retrieve the classes belonging to the model names we're asked to process
# Check for namespaced models in subdirectories as well as models
# in subdirectories without namespacing.
def get_model_class(file)
model = file.gsub(/\.rb$/, '').camelize
parts = model.split('::')
parts.inject(Object) {|klass, part| klass.const_get(part) }
rescue LoadError
# We're passed a name of things that might be
# ActiveRecord models. If we can find the class, and
# if its a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base,
# then pas it to the associated block
def self.do_annotations
def do_annotations
header = PREFIX.dup
version = ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version rescue 0
if version > 0
......@@ -105,18 +117,16 @@ module AnnotateModels
annotated = []
self.get_model_names.each do |m|
class_name = m.sub(/\.rb$/,'').camelize
get_model_files.each do |file|
klass = class_name.split('::').inject(Object){ |klass,part| klass.const_get(part) }
klass = get_model_class(file)
if klass < ActiveRecord::Base && !klass.abstract_class?
annotated << class_name
self.annotate(klass, header)
annotated << klass
annotate(klass, file, header)
rescue Exception => e
puts "Unable to annotate #{class_name}: #{e.message}"
puts "Unable to annotate #{file}: #{e.message}"
puts "Annotated #{annotated.join(', ')}"
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