Improve style of the "POST /s3/multipart" route

parent 9500cdb3
......@@ -38,16 +38,15 @@ module Uppy
route do |r|
# POST /s3/multipart ["", true] do
content_type = r.params["type"]
type = r.params["type"]
filename = r.params["filename"]
extension = File.extname(filename.to_s)
key = SecureRandom.hex + extension
key = "#{opts[:prefix]}/#{key}" if opts[:prefix]
key = SecureRandom.hex + File.extname(filename.to_s)
key = [*opts[:prefix], key].join("/")
content_disposition = ContentDisposition.inline(filename) if filename
options = { content_type: content_type, content_disposition: content_disposition }
options = {}
options[:content_type] = type if type
options[:content_disposition] = ContentDisposition.inline(filename) if filename
options[:acl] = "public-read" if opts[:public]
result = client_call(:create_multipart_upload, key: key, **options)
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