Commit 885b5772 by liyijie

update swagger spec params setting location, in response

parent 72da898b
......@@ -36,16 +36,8 @@ RSpec.describe '<%= controller_path %>', type: :request, capture_examples: true,
<% path_item[:params].each do |param| -%>
parameter '<%= param %>', in: :path, type: :string
<% end -%>
<% path_item[:params].each do |param| -%>
<% if param == 'id' -%>
let(:<%= param %>) { @<%= resource_plural %> }
<% elsif param.end_with? '_id' -%>
<% model_name = param.sub('_id', '') -%>
let(:<%= param %>) { @<%= model_name %>.id }
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% path_item[:actions].each do | action, details | -%>
<% next if action == 'put' -%>
<%= action %>(summary: '<%= details[:summary] %>') do
......@@ -55,11 +47,21 @@ RSpec.describe '<%= controller_path %>', type: :request, capture_examples: true,
<% if ['post', 'patch'].include? action -%>
parameter :<%= resource_singular %>, in: :body, schema: <%=
resource_singular %>_ref
<% end -%>
response(<%= response_status action %>, description: 'successful') do
<% path_item[:params].each do |param| -%>
<% if param == 'id' -%>
let(:<%= param %>) { @<%= resource_plural %> }
<% elsif param.end_with? '_id' -%>
<% model_name = param.sub('_id', '') -%>
let(:<%= param %>) { @<%= model_name %>.id }
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if ['post', 'patch'].include? action -%>
let(:<%= resource_singular %>) do
{ <%= resource_singular %>: <%= resource_singular %>_value }
<% end -%>
response(<%= response_status action %>, description: 'successful') do
<% if details[:summary].start_with?("create") -%>
it {
body = JSON.parse(response.body)
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