Commit 4f7c7d5d by Andrew W. Lee

Merge branch 'release/3.0.3' into develop

parents 1d144646 a3793cdc
== 3.0.3
* Use a less error-prone way of specifying gem files (#662)
* Update rake requirement from >= 10.4, < 13.0 to >= 10.4, < 14.0 (#659)
* Bump nokogiri from to 1.10.4 in /spec/integration/rails_4.2.0 (#655)
* Defaults annotate models to true (#671)
* Bump loofah from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 in /spec/integration/rails_4.2.0 (#681)
== 3.0.2
* Fixes `LoadError` due to gemspec not referencing `parser.rb`, issue #657 (#660)
* Changes `--additional_file_patterns` to use dashes `--additional-file-patterns` for consistency (#649)
module Annotate
def self.version
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